Ideas & knowhow
Understanding visitors
Be specific
Compare these sentences:
We're in a great location in RandomUnknownVillage, with lots to see and do. There's something for everyone.
You'll love our hidden location in RandomUnknownVillage, close to SomewhereFamous and AnotherWellknownPlacePeopleSearchForOnGoogle. It's ideal for anyone who wants to relax and enjoy two great pubs, x attraction or our recommended walks to x, y z.
Here's another:
I've had lots of experience and know about marketing
I've worked in tourism marketing for…
Walking in different shoes
A long time ago I went to my daughter's school assembly. It's a memory that has stuck in my mind because it was quite a good marketing lesson!
There was a pile of shoes and boots at the front of the school hall. The teacher told a story about some people who didn't really understand each other.
The children were asked to put on a pair of the assorted footwear and walk towards each other. It was amusing because the shoes and boots were too large, and the children took on exaggerated walks acco…
Do it again
What's the best thing you've ever done to promote your tourism business?
What worked well?
Or perhaps there's something small you did that was moderately successful?
It could have been a social media post that got plenty of engagement. Or a blog post that's still driving traffic to your website? A photo that people have said they like? Or something you say to guests that seems to resonate?
Whatever it is, don't just do it once. Repeat whatever works, again, again and again.
We often as…
Are you proud of your prices?
Let's talk about money.
Oh sorry, we don't do that do we?
We might utter vague grumbles about the price of things, but discuss our profitability and revenue? No, we don't do that.
I'm not sure why. After all, most of us are in business to make money. I wrote about this a while ago here.
With escalating energy and food bills, you might be thinking about increasing your prices. There are some tips about this in a blog post I wrote last year. Some of you may be struggling to attract visitors…
Attracting & welcoming walkers
Walking is one of the most popular outdoor pursuits. Many tourism businesses benefit from them, so it makes sense to think about how to attract and welcome them.
"Walkers" is a very broad term... There are ramblers, scramblers, hikers, people who prefer guided walks... the list goes on.
Identify which type of walkers would be interested in staying with you and target that group. Think about:
- Hard core long distance walkers
- Social walkers
- Sightseeing walkers
- Moochers
- Walking to justif…
Don't just tell - show
We often say that a picture is worth a thousand words, but how often do we actually use the right photos to convey key points?
Most businesses have something they need to tell their visitors or need to stand out somehow. A single photo might do the trick.
Have you thought about the key messages you're trying to convey and then made sure you're using photos that tell that story?
Years ago I advised a hotelier, Dave, who ran a small hotel in an area that was notorious for dirty and run-down …
Purpose-driven marketing?
Who are you? What do you actually do?
What do you care about?
Do you do anything to ‘do good’?
How are you connected to your local community?
What are your values and ethics?
How are you making your business more sustainable?
As money becomes tighter, visitors think more about how they spend their precious income.
Some visitors will turn to chain businesses because they think they’re trustworthy, and offer a standardised product.
Many others are turning their back on faceless chains, a…
How content marketing can help your tourism business
One of the effects of an impending recession is that many people take longer to make a decision than usual. Visitors may need more reassurance than usual.
When times are tough, businesses tend to do one of two things:
They try to sell like crazy, going into omnipresent overdrive, constantly posting on social media, offering discounts and thinking that sooner or later persistence will pay
They struggle with the sense of doom and gloom, think marketing is probably pointless, and go into se…
Should you promote your business even when the economy is rubbish?
The economic news is rubbish. Winter is coming. Morale is sinking.
Many are wondering: Is there any point in promoting my tourism business just now?
As this article about the businesses that will survive shows, you do need to believe in a better future and to keep marketing your business. Here are a few other things to think about right now.
My long experience in tourism marketing has shown me that in every recession there are opportunities. People notice the businesses that keep going, those…
How to deal with uncertainty in your business
There seems to be one dominant theme running through our world at the moment: uncertainty.
In fact, things feel so uncertain, some of the time it’s not even clear what we feel most uncertain about… Rising living costs, the environment, changes in the ways we do business and live, changes in the market place…
I have a bit of a mother hen approach to the businesses I work with. I’d love to gather everyone up under a broad wing, and cluck to tell you everything will be OK. Since even my bingo win…