Social media ideas for Winter

It's the one thing everyone tells me they struggle with - ideas for social media posts.
What can you write about to keep people interested and engaged, even if your business isn't open or busy at this time of year?
Here are a few ideas
Before we get started: instead of just scanning through these ideas, I suggest you get a pen and paper (it works much better if you can actively scribble, not just think or type) and jot down related thoughts as you read each topic. Let the list below spark more ideas. You should be able to at least double this list of post suggestions...
1. Winter can feel like a good time to hibernate and escape from the world. What kind of cosy hibernation can you offer?
2. What’s different or better in Winter? For example, when the trees lose their leaves, some views are clearer or change to reveal unexpected sights.
3. Brrrr… it’s getting colder and wetter. Do you have any tips for keeping warm, or ideas related to winter weather? Or perhaps there’s something that you do or that happens that you can highlight during certain weather, such as photos of your snowman? I remember a couple of years ago the regional weather forecast on TV showed a local accommodation providers’ photo because a group of people sat outside in shorts despite the snow. Humour works. Or maybe you have a different approach? Who loves the bad weather – cue photos of children splashing in puddles...
4. Anything related to winter clothing? Favourite scarves, rugs, big coats? Photos of people huddled up against the cold? Any tips for keeping warm?
5. How can you show that Winter can be cosy and enjoyable? Perhaps you have some favourite cosy pubs or cafes?
6. Families often meet up in Winter or plan family celebrations at that time of year. Maybe this relates to something you can do? Or you might be able to suggest some good activities for families in Winter, or use photos of indoor activities that could bring people together?
7. Do you have any book, podcast or film recommendations? Perhaps you can relate these to your area or business?
8. Some people really struggle with the Winter 'blues'. Do you have any tips or suggestions to help beat them?
9. As Christmas approaches, you may have some topics related to that. You might be able to stimulate some discussions on social media about this. For example you could start a thread with ideas for recycled Christmas gifts, different voucher ideas or angles or ‘non-stuff’ gifts such as experiences.
10. What activities can you suggest for families to do during their time off?
11. Angles connected to nature are popular. Is there something you love to spot in Winter? Footprints in the mud or snow of particular animals? Do you have any knowledge you can share? Or perhaps you know others with expertise and can showcase them?
12. Old English and folklore calendars have a plethora of interesting dates, customs and events related to the winter. It’s worth taking a look to see how you might build on some of these quirkier ideas.
13. Our night skies are often at their best at this time of year. What can you share or show?
14. When the Winter starts to bite, it’s a good idea to help people look forward. Posts that talk about planning ahead, booking something to look forward to, or signs of Spring can work well.
15. What are your favourite winter dishes and drinks? Where can they be enjoyed – any recommendations for excellent local cafes, pubs, restaurants? Or maybe you can share some recipes and tips?
1 comment
Thank you Susan some great ideas. Park up & Cosy up is something I’m promoting as we have free parking at the hotel and a lot of people don’t particularly like to drive around a lot in the bad weather 👍
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