Harnessing that Back to School feeling

New pens, notepad, clean desk. Good intentions. Freshly scrubbed face, newly cut hair.
Actually my hair isn't even properly brushed today. But the thought is there: that 'back to school' feeling is in the air.
Is there a way you can use this to strengthen your tourism business?
It's many years since I went to school and quite a few since my daughter was there, but I still get the back-to-school feeling. It's a good excuse for some new stationery, but it also galvanises me into action planning and reviewing. Look out for next week's blog when I'll explain more about what I'm planning for the coming months and how it can help you.
In the meantime, here are a few thoughts for some Autumnal marketing:
- Do you get different visitors in September and the Autumn months? If you do, do you need to change some of the wording and images you use in your marketing?
- What are your favourite things about early Autumn?
- What events take place? What makes it a special time to visit? What can you share with visitors to attract them now?
- What do your visitors like about Autumn? Is it a time to think about different food? Perhaps to consider starting or picking up a craft or hobby again?
- What recommendations can you make? Could you perhaps join forces with other businesses to create some kind of Autumn package or activity suggestion?
- It's a good time to think now about the Spring and Summer in your business, before we move on to thinking about next year. What worked well? What didn't work so well? Were there particular times when you needed more visitors? Make a note of these, so you can think about how to fill similar times next year. What were your most successful social media posts or marketing activities? What did people say about you on social media or in reviews?
Make a note about all these thoughts now. They'll come in handy later... More on this soon.
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