Ideas & knowhow

Social media

Use FOMO now to get bookings for later

A FOMO now bookings later

Are you enjoying having a full diary once again, knowing you’ve got bookings or the promise of visitors for the coming weeks?

How would it feel to have a full diary next year - ahead of time, so you don’t have to do as much marketing this Winter?

There are some simple things you can do now to increase your chances of advance bookings, and make your marketing easier later. 

People are definitely enjoying looking forward and planning ahead a little more, wanting to make sure they have som…

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Last minute availability: curse or opportunity?

A - cancellations

Most tourism and hospitality businesses have to fill last minute gaps created by cancellations or dips in demand. This year it looks like there may be more cancellations than usual as visitors switch-book or have to change plans to fit their changing circumstances.

The way you try to fill those last minute gaps can really affect how your business is perceived by potential visitors.

When faced with a space to fill, the knee-jerk reaction is often to post a panicky message on social media, typic…

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A quick idea for a really good social media post

A - unintentionally good social media

I saw a genius social media post last week. I don't think the person posted it with any intention of generating as much response as they did. It didn't even promote their business very well - but it could be so easily adapted and used for yours. Quite a few of you have already seen it, and commented. 

So what made it so good?

First of all, they choose a topic that most Brits feel quite strongly about - a full cooked breakfast. They asked a question, a really simple question. 

Why are posts l…

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Get results with LinkedIn


Millionaire entrepreneur James Caan says he made his money by 'zigging' when everyone else was 'zagging'. I'd say LinkedIn is the social media equivalent of that strategy.

Since Microsoft made their investment, LinkedIn has gone from strength to strength yet a lot of tourism businesses don't use it. LinkedIn's main initial use was to help professionals make connections with each other. Now it's evolved to become a sort of facebook for professionals.

It's not the obvious place to go to, to look…

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