Two steps forward, one back? or worse?

Ever felt like you’re stuck in treacle and every time you try to move forward you either topple over, or bring the gloopy treacle with you?
I’m hearing a lot of business owners are feeling like that at the moment. Even the busy ones with lots of bookings.
There’s a huge amount of uncertainty at the moment. Economy, war, whether Covid will return…
If you feel like it’s one step forward, one step back don’t get overly frustrated. You’re practising steps and it will get better. Think of it less as a backward step and more as part of the cha-cha!
During these times it’s easy to feel like we’re not making progress, because we’re not exactly leaping forward.
Remember, progress is a trajectory, a trend and longer term view. If you look at the chart of what’s happening in a few months/years’ time, you’ll probably notice the line goes up in a satisfying direction. When you look at the line in more detail, it goes up and down slightly at different times, but the longer term trend tells a different story.
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