Should you promote your business even when the economy is rubbish?

The economic news is rubbish. Winter is coming. Morale is sinking.
Many are wondering: Is there any point in promoting my tourism business just now?
As this article about the businesses that will survive shows, you do need to believe in a better future and to keep marketing your business. Here are a few other things to think about right now.
My long experience in tourism marketing has shown me that in every recession there are opportunities. People notice the businesses that keep going, those that give them something to smile about, businesses that are innovative and consistent.
Trust becomes really important in a recession: people don't want to spend money unwisely so they spend it with the businesses that consistently show up (whether in their regular blogs, social media etc). They need to see that you're still in business.
Bear in mind that not everyone will be strapped for cash. Some people will be relatively unscathed. Some will even benefit. So there will still be some demand for what you offer.
Small independent businesses have an advantage: consumers prefer to support them that huge faceless corporates.
It will get tougher to sell tourism services because so many people will struggle, BUT - those who can afford it will still want something to look forward to. Currency fluctuations may mean more demand for domestic tourism,. Short breaks, days out and other treats remain popular in bad times.
It's likely that people will take longer to make a decision. You'll probably have to work harder to convince them. So you need to put in the effort now, and later.
You might need to adapt your marketing a little, to show up more often on social media, to re-define what you offer so you don't lurk in the 'muddled middle'. Think about how you be a little creative on social media and post upbeat photos, showcase nature finds, talk about positives and show the different aspects of what you do.
In next week's blog I'll look at how to use 'educational' marketing to boost your promotional efforts.
Whatever you do, keep promoting, keep thinking about how you can improve. It will pay off.
1 comment
Thanks Susan - we needed your sage advice given all that is happening in the world at present. Thank you!
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